Question: How can I check my available credit/hours?
Answer: First load the gold module: module load gold . Then issue the command gbalance -u <username> it will display the information about hours, balance and credit for the HPC Cluster
Question: I'm running out of hours! How do I get more
Answer: Two ways: 1) every user gets 10000 hours for free each quarter so you can wait for the new quarter to begin, or 2) you can request more hours by sending email to - please include the qty of hours and a budget string. Hours are charged at a rate of $0.01 per cpu core hour
Question: How can I know about the jobs I submitted?
Answer: With the command bjobs, it will display all submitted jobs. By using bjobs -l <job_id> it will display more detailed information about a certain job.
Question: What if I need to kill a particular job?
Answer: First, get the job id by typing bjobs. Then, issue the command: bkill <job_id>
Question: Is there a way to check the current output of my job?
Answer: if you issue the command bjobs to get the job id and then the command bpeek <job_id>, you can check some of the output in real time.
Question: If I need to use a particular program on the cluster, what can I do to set my environment?
Answer: Usually the command "module avail" will display all modules or preconfigured profiles for the programs installed on the cluster. The command "module load <name>" will load the environment.
Question: Once I load a module, how can I unset it?
Answer: With the command "module unload <name>"
Question: How can I get a desktop connection to the cluster?
Answer: You can get a desktop connection by using Citrix receiver, please refer to this link for more information.
Question: Where can I store intermediate files without having to pay for storage?
Answer: There is a cluster-wide scratch storage space (/scratch/<username>). If you do not find a folder under /scratch for your username, please request by sending a ticket. Please check here on when and how to use the scratch space.