OnDemand Information

OnDemand Tutorial

1.- Access
First, request access at help-cluster@bmi.cchmc.org. After receiving access, proceed to the 
login portal at https://ondemand.research.cchmc.org and use your credentials.

The welcome page will show up, with options on the upper navigation bar:

From the four options, you will have:
Files - For file management
Jobs – For job related editing and launching
Clusters – For SSH access or cluster information (only if connected to the VPN) 
Interactive Apps – To launch your desktops or Applications


2- Files
Under this option, you can upload or download files into the cluster. Also, you can copy and 
delete items in your home and scratch location

On The upper navigation bar, the following options will appear:

Here you can organize or manage your files, create or delete files or directories and 
copy/move data.

If you need to access you /data/<folder>, use this option below:


3.- Jobs
In this section, you can view and launch jobs into the HPC cluster.

The "Active Jobs" application will show you all of the jobs currently in the queue (running or 
queued), regardless of how the jobs were submitted. 

If you click on the job, more information will be displayed.

For troubleshooting purposes, the latter information will be useful to inspect the issue, 
especially the job id and the host names.

Selecting "Job Composer" in the Jobs menu will open an application that allows you to create 
new jobs, submit them to the cluster, and inspect the results of jobs submitted via this tool.

You will be presented with the following option:

Select New job – then From Default Template:

Then this will appear from a template:

On the bottom left part of the Submit Script, there will be an “Open Editor” option.
There you can edit the job according to your requirements.

After you finish editing, click on save and close the tab, then the job is ready to launch.

Then, you can use these controls to submit, stop or delete your job

This section will allow you to open an SSH connection to the login node and other servers 
which will display statistics for the HPC cluster.

If you select HPC Cluster Statistics, it will redirect to Open XDMod, which will display common
stats for the HPC cluster. 

Note: You need VPN access in order to reach this page.
Otherwise, if you select HPC Cluster Status, it will redirect to a Grafana Server that will 
display the current status of the HPC Cluster.

Note: You need VPN access in order to reach this page.
The last option “HPC PROD Cluster SSH access” will open a terminal to log into the cluster 
as ssh client:


5.- Interactive Apps
This option will present you with the desktops and apps:

Where you can select from the drop-down menu by clicking on the icon, which will ask for 
resources such as time, memory, cores, and queue.

Example 1: Rstudio:

note: if you left the fields in blank, it will take the default values, such as 1 hr for the hours, 
4GB for the memory, 1 core and the normal queue. If you are not sure about the queue name,
leave the filed blank.

Also, the memory units are in Megabytes, so to request 16GB, enter 16000.

After the resources are set, click “Launch”.

Once it is launched, the screen “Running” will show up and it will be ready for use by clicking 
on Connect

this will open your Session on Browser tab:

note: once you finish, remember to click on “Delete” if not longer used


6.- Help and assistance
On the right top corner, there are these options:

Contact support – This will redirect to IS helpdesk
Online Documentation – This will redirect to the HPC web page
Submit Support Ticket – This will create a ticket for help-cluster@bmi.cchmc.org
Restart Web Server – This will reload your own page
If you need to close your session, click on the logout icon