In order to use the Cluster programs, the system is organized into modules. There are several command to query, load and remove modules, for example:
If you need to run python3:
do a module avail python3 and the output will show all python version installed in the cluster:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /cm/shared/modulefiles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
python3/3.3.2 python3/3.4.4 python3/3.5.3 python3/3.6.0 python3/3.6.3 python3/3.6.8 python3/3.7.1(default) python3/3.8.6
then, do a module load python3/<version>, for example:
module load python3/3.7.1
and the python version will be loaded:
# python --version
Python 3.7.1
to list the loaded modules, type module list:
module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) gmp/6.0.0 2) mpc/1.0.2 3) mpfr/4.0.0 4) gcc/9.3.0 5) python3/3.7.1
to remove the module, you can either do a module unload python3/3.7.1 or a full remove by typing module purge